Washroom Accessories and Plumbing Fixtures

At Heartland Steel Doors Ltd., we offer a wide range of washroom accessories and plumbing fixtures. Our products come from some of the best manufacturers to meet whatever requirements or specifications you may have. Take a look at our wide range of washroom accessories and plumbing fixtures here below. Get in touch with us today for washroom accessories and plumbing fixtures for your schools, gymnasiums, offices, shops and all other commercial and industrial buildings.

Washroom Accessories

A picture of a hand dryer in a circle.

We don’t just supply steel doors - we can help you pick out the perfect door for your requirements no matter what materials you are looking for - metal, wood, hollow or solid.

Full line of accessories including towel dispensers, soap dispensers, waste receptacles, grab bars, mirrors, hand dryers, towel bars, robe hooks, shower seats and curtains.
Stainless steel construction provides long-lasting use in high traffic applications.

Airports and other public restrooms
Entertainment venues

Security / Patient Care / Faucets

A stainless steel toilet with a sink attached to it.
Security: toilets, urinals, lavatories, combination units, showers, valves and accessories.
Patient care: toilet and lavatory combination units, wash centres and dialysis boxes.
Faucets: complement several Bradley sanitary fixtures with a variety of styles and activation options, including infrared, capacitive sensing, push-button and wrist blade.

Security: prisons and other law enforcement facilities, parks and recreation.
Patient care: hospitals and other healthcare facilities.
Faucets: offices, healthcare, schools or retail.


A stainless steel soap dispenser with a key in a green circle.

Long-lasting single and multiple-user shower stations for public facilities.

Variety of configurations available including wall-mounted, in-wall mounted, column and panel shower systems.
Prefabricated stainless steel construction with hot and cold tempering valves or metering valves.
Single water supply connection conserves water and is quick and easy to install. Ideal for new construction or retrofit projects.

Sports facilities
Recreation / health clubs

Terreon Lavatory Systems / Lav. Decks

A close up of a sink in a circle on a white background.

Attractive single or multiple-user hand washing stations for public facilities.

Variety of styles, colours and configurations available to accommodate 1-4 users for light handwashing applications.
Low maintenance, vandal-resistant Terreon solid surface material resists stains, chemicals and burns.
Fewer water supply connections conserve water and are quick and easy to install.
Ndite® technology available with photovoltaic cells that convert energy to light without batteries or electricity.
Ideal for new construction or retrofit projects.

Airports and other public restrooms
Entertainment venues

Wash Fountains

A stainless steel bowl with a faucet on top of it in a circle.

Durable, heavy-duty wash stations quickly serve multiple users.

Semi-circular configuration accommodates 3-4 users; circular configurations accommodate 5-8 users.
Deep bowl allows full arm length washing applications.
Single water supply connection conserves water and is quick and easy to install.
Available in stainless steel, terrazzo, Terreon® or Bradstone™.
Ideal for new construction or retrofit projects.

Entertainment venues
Maintenance or repair facilities
Manufacturing facilities
Food processing facilities

Emergency Eyewashes / Drench Showers

A close up of a stainless steel eye wash with the lid open.

Reliable drenching relief of hazardous material for eyes, face and body.

Complete offering of plumbed and portable eyewash/drench shower systems, including water-tempering valves for a comfortable 15-minute flush.
Bright BradTect® yellow fixtures are highly visible and easy to locate in an emergency.
Products are manufactured to meet ANSI Z358.1 standards and are 3rd party certified through the Safety Equipment Institute.

Food processing facilities
Manufacturing facilities
Paper/pulp processing facilities
Government facilities
Emergency responders

Thermostatic Mixing Valves

A group of brass valves with gauges on them are sitting on top of each other in a circle.

Mixes hot and cold water to a comfortable temperature range in low or high use situations.

Single valve design provides maximum efficiency in temperature control to within +/- 3? F and operating pressure based on valve capacity.
Emergency valves with cold water fixed ports assure cold water flow while hot water shut-off ports prevent scalding.
Complete offering of valves for high / low demand used in conjunction with faucets, showers and emergency eyewash/drench shower equipment.

Entertainment venues
Hotels / motels
Manufacturing facilities

Lenox® Plastic Lockers

A blue locker with a coat and shoes in it.

Impervious to moisture – plastic storage systems that won’t rust or dent.

Variety of styles, colours and configurations available in 1-6 tiers (openings), or Z-Design.
Wrap around box design provides a sturdy structure that will withstand many years of use – backed with a 20-year warranty.
Heavy-duty HDPE resists scratches and is easy to clean.
Plastic pedestal benches and locker benches available.

Food processing facilities
Manufacturing facilities
Recreation / health clubs
Hotels / motels

Mills® Bathroom Partitions

A picture of a sliding glass door in a circle.

Stylish partition panels provide privacy in high traffic public restrooms.

Variety of configurations to fit most bathroom designs: floor mounted overhead braced, floor braced, ceiling hung and floor to ceiling.
Baked and stainless panels are designed with a Permaseal™ edge to keep out moisture and eliminate rust – backed by a 15-year warranty.
Large selection of colours and material options including baked enamel, stainless steel, plastic laminate, phenolic core and Bradmar™ solid plastic

Hotels / motels
Entertainment venues
Airports and other public restrooms

Take a look at our wide selection of options:

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